National Health Information Center (NCZI) assures providing of information through its
Department for Media and Public Relation.
NCZI processes and provides statistical information in the range resulting from subject of its activity, and the provision relates to the basic purpose of organisation’s establishment. As a state contributory entity at the same time it provides information based on Act No. 211/2000 Col. on free access to information.
Provision of statistical informatíon
Department for Media and Public Relation receives and manages querries, keeps records of all information requests and statistical data adressed to National Health Information Center.
Department for Media and Public Relation makes the processed information and statistical data from data store and archival collections of NCZI available to the persons concerned including information on publications, sources and availability of statistical data, on options and price conditions of processing nonstandard statistical outputs.
NCZI by the means of Department for Media and Public Relation provides only such range of information which is available from its statistical findings, resulting from the subject of activity. Information duty of NCZI is not related to creation of analyses or prognoses.
A request for enabling information is possible to send:
In written:
National Health Information Center
Lazaretská 26
811 09 Bratislava